If you've found yourself on this page, you've been invited to travel with us on an Eyewitness Trip. These trips are invitation-only and we do hope you'll join Project Partner on this experience.
Project Partner takes trips to China several times a year to check in on the development work we're doing with our partners on the ground. Thanks - we hope to travel with you soon!
-project partner staff
eyewitness Trip
november 1-13, 2017
Price - $2,395.00 per person plus airfare (est. $800-$1200 per person)
Includes: All lodging, ground transportation, some meals, visas, and more
Does Not Include: Some meals
Over 250 million people live in poverty in rural China and Project Partner is stepping in to make a difference. Come on the Eyewitness Trip and see first hand how your involvement makes a lasting difference in the lives of countless people in rural China.