Andrew W Lyon Travel helps make travel for individuals and groups easier on business resources without increasing costs - helping businesses thrive internationally and at home. We believe in cultivating strong international relationships, exposing travelers to key cultural sites and touchstones, creating unique moments, and undergirding everything with excellent service.


Full Service Logistics

For visas, airfares, hotels, payment structures for passengers, ground transportation, meals, insurance, ground itinerary creation, passenger interactions, and more.


Listen, we understand. Anybody can get on expedia or orbitz and book flights. can find great hotel rates. You may already have contacts and relationships with people on the ground where you’re visiting who help you with your itineraries. But that is very time consuming for both you and your staff. We can provide that service without costing you Human Resources – both time and energy from your staff – freeing you up to run your organization, your administrative staff to maximize productivity by working within their strengths and experience (which is often not international travel), and your international contacts to lessen time involved planning for hosting groups.


If you work with us on the full itinerary for your trip, we can often save you money through best practices and bundling 


We will customize your trip and itinerary to your exact specifications, with quick turnaround, guaranteed deadlines, and proactive follow-up before, during, and after your trip.


We work with a variety of organizations and send groups all over the world every year. Every trip is different, but we have principles and guidelines which we believe will give your group the best possible international experience – exposing them to the wider world, your business’ work, deep authentic international relationships, and new cultures through unique experiences.